
Real Fear

Okay, so it's been forever since I blogged... but I like to think that, while my blogs are few and far between, my blogs are well thought out and worth reading. So, anyhow, I got to thinking at our core group this past Thursday night about serious respect for the Cross. I got to thinking, while we were taking communion, about how I, as most of us probably do, often forget the serious commitment taken up by Jesus on the Cross. I often find myself not really thinking thru and fully appreciating the sacrifice made for us all. Often, I kind of process it thinking about, well yeah, you're really God... I mean, I totally appreciate your sacrifice for me to, but didn't you have this all planned out from the beginning? And the answer is yes, but I often forget that Jesus was just a man. He was a man that prayed to God, asking if he really had to go thru with this. He was a man that, as he hung there dying, cried out to God, asking why he had been forsaken. For as Jesus was fully man, he certainly appeared to be out of the loop on the entire plan. And so, it was definitely not something that was just going thru the motions; it was indeed a man listening to God because of His love for the world. Anyhow, just something I need to occassionally remind myself of that I thought I'd share.


Daniel said...

A good topic to bring up. We tend to forget it too easily. . . that's one reason why The Passion is such an important film - b/c it reminds us of the enormity of Christ's sacrifice.

It is interesting to contemplate Jesus' nature, being both God and man. It's clear that He knew that He was going to be crucified - He told His followers it was going to happen; so, why did He pray what He prayed in Gesthemane? Also, what is "the hour" and "this cup"? (Mark 14) Is it the physical suffering or is it spiritual - or is it both?

Interesting questions. . .

Matthew said...

Very interesting post... I'd not really ever thought about it quite like that... It's complicated, I know, and it is hard for us to wrap our 'human' brains around topics like this. Kind of like the concept of forever, hard to wrap your mind around it. You are right though, Jesus was a man. Thinking about it the way you present it though, perhaps it was a gift from God! Showing us that a man could endure such pain and yet still go through with what God had planned... I'll be thinking about this more, that's for sure...